SmartTruckRoute Order Number Lookup

To transfer to your new phone or tablet you need to look up your order number. Use either the email lookup or telephone number lookup below

(1) Android subscriptions cannot be transfered to an Apple product and Apple products cannot be transferred to Android.
(2) Multiple subscriptions are required if you want to use multiple devices at the same time.
(3) Using the email lookup requires that you have access to the email account in order to receive the order number information.
(4) You must have access to the phone number in order to receive the order number information via text message.
(5) If you need further assistance send a text message to 724-901-1115


SmartTruckRoute 2 users can also enter the phone number associated with your Android SmartTruckRoute. Your order number will be texted to you.

Your Network Operator


SmartTruckRoute 2 users can also enter the serial number associated with your Android SmartTruckRoute. Your order number will be emailed to you.


SmartTruckRoute Email Address Lookup

To look up your email address, use order number lookup below. The first 4 characters of your email address will be displayed to you.