Yes, developers and dispatchers can push destination coordinates to the SmartTruckRoute app by following these examples:
1) Address Search: Brings up Address Search View and uses the text after "q=" as the search query.
2) Route using GPS coordinates: Directly routes to the lat/lon after "@" and uses the text after"daddr=" as the destination label.,+MA@42.3581,-71.0636
3) Route using address: Directly routes to the first result in the Google address search results for the string.
Note that is more accurate to search with zip code in case of multiple results with the same street names within the same city.
4) Sending multiple destinations: In the same email include multiple links.
email,-71.0636 or text compressed version
email,-74.0059 or text compressed version
5) Send multiple destinations within the same link via email or text
or text compressed version
You can also send an optimized or non optimized route with stops directly from
SmartTruckDispatch Each link went sent can be hyperlinked to have a better appearance
6) Send multiple destinations within the same link via email and avoid (xaddr)
or text compressed version
7) More detailed documentation on the possible route request please download the
documentation 8) Example of sending a route directly from one Android Application or a Web page to SmartTruckRoute. Code is ",-71.087143"
send code from here 9) Example of sending a route directly from one Android Application or a Web page to SmartTruckRoute with truck parameters and configuration. Code is ",-71.607620&vehConfig=us,162,636,102,80000,0,5,1,1"
send code from here 9) Example of sending a route directly from one Android Application or a Web page to SmartTruckRoute with intermediate stops Code is ",8900NW35thLn_Doral_FL33172@25.8072391,-80.3392561&vaddr=WP2,2425PrincessAnneRd_VirginiaBeach_VA23456@36.7522145,-76.054795&daddr=WP3,5681KingsportDr_Atlanta_GA30342@33.9096952,-84.383362"
send code from here